Should you choose a Full or New Moon to Charge Your Water? 

Should you choose a Full or New Moon to Charge Your Water? 

Should you choose a Full or New Moon to Charge Your Water? 

You can make Moon Water at any time, but if you are trying to supercharge your water, you might want to think about making New or Full Moon water.

Consider the astrological aspects.

For instance, you may want to avoid using a full or new moon that’s also an eclipse. They are already intense and change-bringing on their own. You don’t want to do any harnessing or intention-setting rituals around them. 

You might also want to avoid is making Moon water during a Mercury retrograde when it’s more of a struggle to think and communicate your intentions and desires.

Look for positive aspects around any moon

Regardless of the sign it is in, if a moon is conjunct with fortunate Jupiter, it could bring luck and abundance. If it forms a trine to the planet of love, Venus, the water you’d create would have a harmonious, relationship-loving energy.

You do you

Ultimately, you’ll want to tune into your intuition and decide if it’s for you or not. t

You could also be spontaneously inspired to make it — perhaps while traveling. I always travel with my Moon Water Bottle and Carrier.

One of my favorite moon water experiences is to make some Moon Water where ever I am, and to me, vacation Moon Water helps infuse all the goodness that easy vacation vibes bring. 


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