Well hello there! My name is Pamela and I am so glad you found Moon Water Bottle.
As a yoga teacher and all around health nut I am always looking for ways to incorporate more ways to raise my vibration and live a healthier more positive intention filled life.
My love for crystals drew me to create Moon Water Bottle, an easy way to infuse your water with the intention and positive vibes.
What makes Moon Water bottle Different? As a busy business owner, I really wanted to create something that's was easy to use and easy to clean, that fit into my life with out slowing me down. My Moon Water Bottle is just that, the body is dishwasher safe, and by creating a glass separation between the water and your crystals, you can use any crystals you would like.
Another thing we do differently here at Moon Water Bottle is the way we take care of our crystals before they get to you. Each new moon and full moon we take the time to cleanse the crystals infusing them with good intentions until they find their forever home.
I would love to hear from you! Tag us on instagram, or send me a note here at Moon water Bottle with any questions, or photos of you and your new bottle! We love to see them and you might just be featured on our stories.
Namaste -